Background: The study of evaluating measures for health promotion and health education in the field of infectious pathologies done among the Moldovan population has been realized for the first time.

Material and methods: For the analysis of data we have used the method of the epidemiological description and a statistical method. The activity of public health care institutions of different levels in the field of health education on infectious pathologies in the years 2006-2011 has been analyzed. We have evaluated the measures on health promotion and health education in the field of infectious pathologies covering 2 municipalities, 35 counties and 19 republican health facilities in the above period. This study has been based on the assessment of nine types of health promotion and health education in the field of infectious pathologies which are the following: conversations, health bulletins, methodical information, lectures, publications in press, radio, TV shows, seminars and soirees.

Evaluarea măsurilor de promovare a sănătăţii şi educaţie pentru sănătate
Results: The following issues have been assessed: the volume of the infectious diseases information given as one of general measures of health promotion and health education, the volume of information on infectious diseases provided by healthcare professionals through various means in the regions of Moldova as well as highlighting the regions with the highest and lowest results of health promotion and health education measures in the field of infectious pathologies.

Conclusions: The heads of public medical institutions and those of the health care facilities poorly use mass media – radio and television, including local ones for health education on treatment of infectious diseases. Local and national leaders do not use the Internet websites as an effective educational means for younger generation, who use more often Internet sites for searching the information.

Key words: health education, radio, TV show.

Citește articolul integral - Assessment of the measures on health education in the field of infectious diseases for the population of the Republic of Moldova in 2006-2011 (Alina Druc, Vasile Sofronie (PDF)


2018 Sănătatea - Publicaţie de sănătate şi divertisment